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The starting phase of a plant is one of the most delicate moments of the entire verification process.
Our team consist of highly skilled technicians with years of experience and acquired planning construction and management of technological systems. 
We are specialized in calibration of equipment and in the immediate resolution of problems that may incur during the normal activity.

Before delivery to the customer the final product, our technicians carry out specific controls:

-Support during the final phase of the construction and planning of different stages of delivery

-Preparation of works during start-up

-Testing through tests, calibration equipment, pipe leak

-Flushing lines

-Chemical cleaning

-Electrical tests

-Recognition of testing and certification of pressure equipment

-Operating manuals for operation and maintenance of installations.

Registered Office

00165 Rome-Italy
Via della Stazione di San Pietro, 65
(+39) 06.92929875
(+39) 06.92929875

Location of Gela

93012 Gela (CL)-Italy
Via Venezia, 369
(+39) 0933.1901383
(+39) 0933.833220


93012 Gela (CL)-Italy
Industrial zone I° Street
(+39) 0933.1901383
(+39) 0933.833220

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