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We improve the living conditions of the working environment and the efficiency of production processes with industrial and civil installations of cogeneration and trigeneration plants dedicated to companies and infrastructure.
We also take care of large civil engineering projects such as bridges, dams, tunnels, infrastructure for road transport.
We operate in the field of civilian dwellings and consolidations of landslide through the design and implementation of micro-piles, gabions, reinforced and naturalistic engineering works.

We guarantee a highly professional job, able to integrate with advanced electrical systems for high automation of the tertiary sector:
airports, housing units, shopping malls, hospitals, plant.

We are able to create:

-Air conditioning systems
-Air conditioning systems

-Air treatment systems and water treatment
-Steam and hot water Networks
-Fire protection systems and plumbing systems
- Trigeneration and cogeneration plants
-Thermal power stations-compressor racks
-District heating plant

Registered Office

00165 Rome-Italy
Via della Stazione di San Pietro, 65
(+39) 06.92929875
(+39) 06.92929875

Location of Gela

93012 Gela (CL)-Italy
Via Venezia, 369
(+39) 0933.1901383
(+39) 0933.833220


93012 Gela (CL)-Italy
Industrial zone I° Street
(+39) 0933.1901383
(+39) 0933.833220

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