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Completed the first batch on Cruise 6256. With the implementation of new technologies, the Sital plants completed the 1st batch of the planned section on 12,13,14,15 bridges. This new cruise ship that will sail the seas later this year, will have a capacity 'of transport of about 8,000 people between guests and crew.

Works for the construction of a steam network and a heat recovery substation, the work was completed before the date the purchaser soddisfaciendo their needs.

Once the work on the new Terminal C of Rome Fiumicino International Airport, the work involved the construction of mechanical systems related fluids network, fire prevention and drains, united 'water treatment, air and ultrafiltration and underfloor heating.

After the success of Ferrari in the sital plant was entrusted with the confidence even from lamborghini for the new contract for the construction and installation of mechanical equipment of the new building called the warehouse, the start of work will be scheduled for February 2017.

Registered Office

00165 Rome-Italy
Via della Stazione di San Pietro, 65
(+39) 06.92929875
(+39) 06.92929875

Location of Gela

93012 Gela (CL)-Italy
Via Venezia, 369
(+39) 0933.1901383
(+39) 0933.833220


93012 Gela (CL)-Italy
Industrial zone I° Street
(+39) 0933.1901383
(+39) 0933.833220

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